kei_k's manga / #Strong Female Lead(273)


Complete | Hikawa Kyouko | 1983 released


Complete | lin yu chin | 2000 released

It was interesting, but surely lacked something seeing it ended just like that without us knowing more about the characters. I wanted to see them interact more, but anyway, their banter was pretty cute. I would've wanted Mimi to see more potential husbands while exchanging banter with Yuan Qing since it was the main point of her adventure, but meh.. And I really wanted to see how "ugly" that 1st guy was since she's strongly opposed.

Wedding Season 2

Complete | lin yu chin | 2000 released

Hmm, somehow felt rushed and dissatisfying. Wanted to know more about how Yuan Qing lived as Li Yue for 5 years, and how Mimi took care of her child Yuan Bao. Also expected to see more of the princess since she was presented as someone with a strong presence. Of course, I felt relieved that she didn't use her position to force herself on Yuan Qing, but I wanted to see more of her since she humiliated Mimi in the 1st season. Just.. You know, there were a lot of characters yet they weren't fleshed out at all so they felt bland. Also, I wanted to see Yuan Qing struggle a bit more since he's dealing with his family after losing his memory. It's a bit dissatisfying that he just accepted everything... As for Mimi, I understood how she felt like they had no foundation of mutual trust since they didn't really marry out of love. I was glad to see Yuan Qing reach out to her first though, this time, with sincere feelings of wanting to get to know each other.

Glass Shoes (im Hae Yeon)

Ongoing | im hae yeon | 2000 released

Ch 16 // hmm nice concept. The thought about revealing the truth which won't make anybody around her happy or just keeping things as they are is interesting. For a second, I thought, what if I'm faced with a similar dilemma? If I happen to know a truth that will destroy everyone's happiness and making me look like the bad guy, would I still reveal it? Or should I just keep a blind eye and let people be happy? Well, in the story, leaving things as they are isn't good because it's not like they won't do bad things again. If left as is, there's a chance that more people will suffer. Is it selfish to take away their short-lived happiness for the good of many, even if some of them are those we consider "family?" Doesn't it feel hypocritical if for instance, I knew that a family member did a crime and I turn him in? Others may say that as a family, we're supposed to protect one another, so I'm supposed to help him evade the law. However, I personally think that if I don't let him take responsibility, it will only get worse. I mean, of course I worry. For example, if it's my husband and I have to hand him over to the police. What if he's abused while in prison, or worse, killed? I worry about such things, especially because I know that other officials can give up their honor for fame or money. I find it hard to trust even those people who are supposed to protect us. So anyway, I may appear cold-hearted, but well honestly, maybe it would depend on the situation and the gravity of the sin? Anyway, back to the manhwa. I liked how it talked about the tale of the glass slippers... How pretending to be someone else or taking advantage of others for selfish intentions would only hurt them in the end.


Complete | momochi reiko | 2008 released

Ch 19. Wow, it's very interesting in a way that it''s pretty realistic. I like how certain emotions are incorporated to the characters... Honestly, the 'twist' was quite predictable, what with that Gotouda lying about lying. Err, I just had the feeling that Murase was really Gotouda since I saw him (even when he changed that face). I mean, even with the story he came up with, I didn't believe his BS 'coz it's just too coincidental and his previous actions contradicted it. Also, can we talk about how they didn't bring up him being called as "Gotouda-san" in the plastic surgery clinic? Err,, Anyway, this manga just made me broaden my perspective on this subject. I can see how unfair the law really is. I can quite understand how some people no longer believe in it and want to take justice with their own hands. But anyway, it's really interesting. I want to see how the story would develop from here on. Anyway, about Nobara taking Kotori's place, from the beginning, I thought it was a bad idea. If we think about it in the long run, it would've been better for her to admit their lie sooner than living like that and constantly being scared of being exposed.. Especially since she went to court as Kotori when she was Nobara. She'd also be questioned with the DNA test she cheated on. I mean, sure, if she admitted it in the beginning, it's possible that she'd be blamed again, but c'mon, she just heard how her mother didn't deny her anymore. And it was foolish of her to think that she'd rather be the one to die. Anyway, that wouldn't change the fact that one of them died, so why make the pain heavier? She just added more lies. She should've just been honest. So yeah. I'm also interested on how things will go for Yuuwa, too, of course, especially because he lied for Nobara now. Ahhh Nobara, she should've planned it better you know? But I guess in her state of mind, it wasn't possible to think logically anymore. Hrrrr. Anyway, personally, of course I resent that guy. Sure, he couldn't bring back Kotori and all that, and I would've considered forgiving him a little if he really did change but he didn't change at all. Lying and pretending.. I guess it's true that she didn't expect Hime to be Nobara's friend (or he forgot, bec you know, he practically stalked Nobara before so it's possible to have seen her) but it's hard for me not to think that he intentionally let Hime fall to have miscarriage since he didn't really plan to settle with her.

Penguin Revolution

Complete | tsukuba sakura | 2005 released

Everything was great except for the ending.. If Ryo only asked her to be his manager after 10 yrs, then Narazaki should've been given the chance to be her lover instead since he 's been declaring his love for her all those years..

Hajimari no Niina

Complete | MINAMORI Koyomi | 2010 released

Atsurou is love. Well, they deserve each other. I want an Atsurou too!! Things to discuss in the review: - If Atsurou knew Chitose reincarnated into Nina, can we really believe that he actually loves NINA herself not just because CHITOSE lives through her? - Why didn't Nina want to reveal about Chitose? - Did Nina really fall in love with Atsurou, or was it simply transfer of feelings from Chitose? - If there was a chance that Atsurou can choose which spirit shall take over the body, will he sincerely choose Nina over Chitose whom he's been in love with since they're young?


Complete | MORIMOTO Kozueko | 2000 released

Girl in Heels

Ongoing | Chon | 2007 released

ch 18 // Uhh twins can really be troublesome, especially when they get selfish of the other claiming they know them best since they've been together since they were in the womb. Thus, hating and shooing away everyone who tries to get close to them...