Well then bruv. Dat was kawaii~ I’m so happy the two grew to the point where the were able to communicate like that and make their relationship stronger (way better than all those manga where though they can talk perfectly fine they still have stupid misunderstandings and probs that never get solved cuz they never talk it out and just let it fester till they eventually break up). I’m especially impressed with how the uke has grown for the better after starting going out with the seme. He’s jumped over some huge hurdles since the start of the manga. I’m so proud of you, son. You’ve done well. I’m happy y’all made more friends and expanded your world, and in that process strengthened your relationship.
Ps. Ya just can’t hate that uke. The boy is just so cute bruh. Plus, it’s not his fault that he’s shy and bad with communicating. I’m also like that so I totally understand his feelings. All the more so why I’m so proud of his growth.
Motto Hanashi o Shitai no Dakedo.