Dark Heaven
There was a lil bit too much drama and angst for me so I couldn’t get through it. Even though it’s dark, the storytelling is realistic and exceptional, so I’ll leave this here and hopefully one day I’ll be able to get through it.. right now I can’t bear for my heart to break into pieces because of this, so amma just wait...
...Idk what to rate this.. I read it a few months ago, but it still sticks in my mind.. from what I remember, it was really... different.. It was impactful, kinda twisted, unique, and complex, which really sets it apart from most yaoi. I wouldn’t say it’s my slice of cake though..
BxP Anx
This manga is dropped, but comments say it’s really good so imma consider reading it later. Edit (few months later): Wow. This was truly amazing. It has so much potential. I’m surprised something like this is so underrated.. It grabbed me from the beginning and just kept dragging me into the story to the very end. It really is a pity that it was dropped, even though it was just getting started... hopefully one day the mangaka decides to pick this back up; ‘twas truly a one-of-a-kind manga.
Devils Line