Rosie's manga / #uncensored(1)

Nani mo shiranai sai kowa maō, to ai yūsha ni torawareru

Ongoing | かがり | 2022 released

I am so confused over this entire one shot so let me get this straight the hero goes to the demon king who is technically the demon queen's castle and he puts a spell on her makes it so she can't move then pick her up takes her to her bedroom basically rapes and impregnates her all because she saved him as she was passing by years prior? Don't get me wrong, I've read a lot of weird webtoons and one shots but this one Takes the Cake I'm not saying it wasn't good because it definitely was good however it was the weirdest one shot I've read yet and I've read some very very strange one shots if you're interested in reading a little I guess technically this is in the manga porn category then this is for you.