I really love the first couple, I wanted to see them grow more in their relationship and they could grow even more and build it, but the author decided to just drop them and focus on other couples what was so frustrating to no end!! then it show more the two twisted couple minami and makoto. and their relationship is so massed up in so many levels and so not balanced it can lead easily to one of them broken mentally or kill himself. they don't help each other wounds, they make them bigger. even in the end, it didn't feel like they got "batter", so of course it's all the mother fault [not! it just a way to an easy solution and bad guys]. I really hate them, even when the two others couple said they love each other it didn't feel like love at all, it just felt like they having sex with no love, using each other and that's it! Obsession again IS NOT LOVE! NOT HEALTHY LOVE! it was the worse couple I have ever seen and god this guy is twisted, I don't think he know what relationship is from all the sex he did as a kid, and he will never know since no one really teach him. the other two couple were ok, I can tolerate them. but not the focus of this mange - the two twisted ones minami and makoto. so I don't see why I finish read this at all. and even in the end, when we finally come back to our first more normal couple there isn't anything new in them except to some very rush development. I"m really really disappointment from this mange, I don't like to be trick and get push down my throat a twisted pair that I don't like.
Punch Drunk Babies