My Honey Express
This was very good, I hope the rest of the chapters come out quickly and live up to the first.
Baka de Guzu wa Daikirai
I liked the chapter with the scary faced guy.. the main story though had high and low points. Both of the characters kind of annoyed me, but not enough for me to stop reading.
Line (ootsuki Miu)
it was good but I would have preferred more background about their relationship.
On the Veranda
Some stories can be oneshots and some can't. I feel this is the type that can't. I feel like there needs to be more information. It has potential to be amazing... but it lacked something. And I feel that whatever it is that it's missing would have been made up with more story.
Ani no Senaka
I very much enjoyed this one. It was just an easy read. There were emotional parts, but over all, it was almost peaceful to read.
The Inheritance of Aroma
That painful ending was so palpable that I feel it to my very core. I feel sick and sad and just want to cry. Everything. The struggle and all through out it knowing that it would not end happily but needing to continue and I just it hurts so bad.
Sleeping Man Loving Man
I just drool a bit while reading this
Blood Bank
This is one of those great stories where you leave the story with so many emotions. Relief that the roller coaster is over but also regret... happiness... anxiety sometimes. truly wonderful
Love Letter From - Shingeki no Kyojin dj