Virgin Star
I loved both couples but the managers are my favorite.
Piercing Hole
It hurt me to read. It was just raw emotion and I loved every second.
Mousou Cherry
I loved the second couple the most... even if he was... almost rapey.. the last couple was great also (I love the I'm a bad guy, but not really, but I actually am type of guys)
Kuroneko Kareshi no Asobikata
I loved this so much... I was going to complain that there wasn't anymore left then I saw... that there are other volumes... Yay!!!!
Mujihi Na Otoko
I'm rating this five stars because I know it's good. It was confusing at points though (Because of my own stupidity) I didn't realize this was part of a series until I nearly finished it.
Aruhi Hyouhenshita Shinyu Ni Kokuhakusa Remashita
I love possessive lovers
Gosan no Heart
I very much enjoyed this one... although the short baseball story felt really out of place.
Stay Gold - Koi No Lesson A To Z
I'm rating this 5 stars for the main story (ch 1-5(I think)) I cared nothing for the side stories. The main story however deals with a uke who is mistaken for a delinquent (although he's really cute and sweet and not a delinquent) and a seme who deceives the uke into believing he is really cute even though he's a bit of a sadist. I very much enjoyed this one.
Kaoru Maniac