creek is real's manga / #Tofu(1)

Hit on By a Kinky Guy

Ongoing | Bov | 2000 released
2021-04-25 06:22 marked

Okay, I think that the abusive and unhealthy relationship at the beginning was just a fetish, I don't think that the author has put it as a way of giving a "moral lesson", or a really well elaborated and profound criticism. So much so that the couple is already being treated in a romantic way again, I do not doubt that everything you sow will be forgiven in the end and the kinky part of the relationship comes back again in a sex scene, but in a "consensual" way. Anyway, the characters seem to be very realistic, especially uke, seme I thought his background was very forgotten and overcome in a very fast way, but it’s not all bad. I hope new chapters.