Children Can't Choose Their Parents
Bruh!! What the helll!??? This is so messed up!! But i don't regret reading it! Instead, i had fun. I just take it as a joke! Hahaha btw, what happen to the eggs?! Did they die?
Gintama dj - Get Me Out
This is really hot!! I feel bad for liking this much since it involves rape and rape is really a serious issue but I cant help it! If gintoki is the one being rape its so hot!! My gosh, he's my ultimate crush that's why but overall, the smut is good and the plot sucks
Gintama dj - Kabe
Not gonna lie, I'm really into this type of genre or play. I find it really hot and disgusting at the same time. I feel bad for Hijikita but I just can't help with the guilty pleasure cuz this is really mu cup of tea as a fap material. This really turns me on so much lol! I know I'm fucked up but dang, I can read this whole day!! But yeah, I'm still mad at Gintama and those rapist!! But thanks for the food! Lol
Killing Stalking