Parsley's manga / #Webtoon(158)

Behind The desk

Complete | day7,evy | 2000 released

It was actually a good one time read for me. The main couple are so fluffy towards the end and the drama is just right although it was unexpected how Young let Sunny go so easily and how he ended dating with Hosung like... what? I want him to suffer a bit longer tho.. and the ending is good but that wasn't I was expecting and it kinda felt like a cliffhanger. I wish it would've ended with them meeting the mother tho. And also the graduation speech got me teary eyed!! I just love the student council boys!! Not gonna lie, I'm way more interested in them than the main couple and one of the reasons why I still keep reading this one! They are just so unique to each other and I lowkey ship them to each other and guessing who's the top and bottom lolol They remind me of the boys from Yarichin Bitch Bu manga.. I wish they would have their own story cuz I would be so hype to read it! And also I wish there were more chapters about Hosung and Youngs relationship cuz Hosung is such a great character and it would be a waste if they just ended him like that, smh. Overall, I enjoyed reading it although I felt like there were some parts in the plot that is lacking like the complex part about Young and Sunnys confrontation and the ending could've done better but still a good read and the characters are so likeable especially the student council boys!! I just love them!! And the main couple too! The seme is just so hot and such a good seme and the uke is cute too! And the art is beautiful and the smut is hot!! It's great!. but for an one time read only tho..

Candy Man

Complete | Chanok,Romantic Restaurant | 2019 released

This is so wrong yet it feels so good!! Lol The seme is clearly obsess and possessive! but together with the uke, I find it cute lolol. I don't know why but I really liked this one. I think they are really fit for each other! The uke is adorable and the seme is a yandere lol. Although I lowkey wish that there were some smut UwU cuz I'm thirsty lolol. Nonetheless, I still liked it so far although the first few chapters is kinda messed up on how crazy the seme is lol especially when he beat up GM, I kinda feel bad about it.. The art is great too! And the characters are likeable and the friends are so funny and the confrontation with the parents and the town knowing their relationship is just so hilarious!! It really made me laugh ---------------------------- EDIT --------------------------- I finally finished reading it!! I don't know why but I really like and enjoyed reading this one despite the seme's characteristics being obsessed and psycho lol. Probably because the plot is so very funny and at the same time very sweet and also maybe because I can relate since I'm also a gamer and I have tried catfishing before lol XD I would probably re-read this any chance I could cuz this just makes me laugh and I really like the couple. Very cool story, love it!!

Here U Are

Complete | DJun | 2000 released

Kawaii! And also, they are too many ships (couples) to choose from! Can't wait for the update! And also the author is really adorable and hilarious! His epilogues are really funny haha! And it's not yaoi, more like shonen ai since there's no sex scene and cuz it is a family friendly type of manhua. Reading this gave me a lot of new perspectives on relationships of both sides, it made me cry, laugh, and even got annoyed at some point, but bruhhh I loved every second of it! I'm beyond happy they all are doing well in the end especially for huan wen. I love all the couple here it physically hurts! I will definitely buy the physical copy soon and some merchants cuz that's how I love this author and its works!! ---------- EDIT --- UPDATE ----------- It's finally completed!! And I just finished reading it and all I have to say is that this author is really good in writing stories! All their works are just so very well-written and the art is just amazing and this one is probably one of the best shounen-ai stories I've ever read!! Absolutely magnificent!! I just love all the couples and all the characters!! And I kinda felt bittersweet now it's ended cuz I want to see them more!! I'm truly gonna miss them all! This is just whole another level of romance and fluffiness! I just love this one!! Highly recommended! Although I still lowkey wish to see some smut fufufu

Classic BL Theater

Complete | Byeol,Bo | 2019 released

What an interesting read!! This is so good and I can't stop reading all the tales!! Although there were some that were meh and some were just okay but there's also the others that's really good!! Overall, I really enjoyed reading it cuz there were some stories that are really heart warming like the peter pan and some that are really funny like the Beauty and the Beast!! So, if I rate/arrange the couple in terms of what I like the most to least, the order would be: (with reasons) 1-2. Red Riding Hood - (the plot twist is really good and the wolf with his garden is just so adorable!!) 1-2. Sea Turtle and the Hare - (I'm more interested in the 2nd couple tho cuz the king dragon is stupidly funny and the octopus is hawt! The main couple is cute too) 3. Peter Pan - (probably the most realistic couple in terms of relationship! When peter pan decided to mature up for his lover and said sorry, ugh! It's just so heart warming!!) 4. Beauty and the Beast - (this is so funny!! Belle looking for his perfect 'eggplant', i just cant!! ) 5-6. Angel and the Lumberjack - (this is just so fluffy and hot baras UwU!!) 5-6. Tale of Byeon Hakdo - (I'm more interested in the couple Hakdo than the first couple, their side story is really funny and cute!!) 7-the rest - (the other couples not mentioned were just okay or not really my cup of tea. The mermaid story is really sad and in the snow white story, I still prefer the herbalist than the regent. The 2nd story is kinda funny but I kinda feel bad for Ondal and the 3rd story is funny too but the development as a couple isn't there. The Tiger and the Bear is kinda good and kinda bad. I like it at first but it gets messy to the end and I kinda don't get it lol.)

Blood and Love

Complete | 해선 | 2000 released

Sorry not sorry but I kinda find the MC annoying. He's too pushy that I feel bad for the vampire lol. But aside from that, I love the fact how straightforward he is to his feelings and how stupidly funny and adorable he is, but yeah, he needs to tone down a bit with his being too clingy self. If I were the vampire, I would be really annoyed and used my magic lol! And also I kinda feel disappointed when they go "fuck before confess" trope cuz I don't want them to be just sex bodies! and I feel like the mc is getting sluttier. Overall, not bad for now but I just wish the mc would tone down a bit his personality and I kinda lowkey wish that the friend is not a vampire lol cuz I don't want much dramas haha. Waiting for the next updates UwU

Not Boyfriends Yet

Complete | Eojin | 2016 released

If not only for the art, I would've definitely rate it lower. The story has lots of potential at first but it just took a different route and went downhill real quick. It's quite messy and sudden towards the end of the story of the main couple that there's no development at all!! It's really disappointing and very frustrating to read cuz I still dislike the clas prez!! If I were to compare, I still think the pink dude is much more of an interesting character compared to that good for nothing class prez! They even showed their first meeting with the MC!! And he even changed!! From a bully to a proper man (although he kinda seems fake) lol. But still a better option than the class prez. Highly disappointed and frustrated while reading although the 2nd couple is not bad at all and a better option just because I don't like the class prez lol! The MC is not bad too in fact, he's great aside that he fell for the wrong guy lolol Sighhh~

The Other Men

Complete | Kimnyeong | 2000 released

I read this not knowing that it has a prequel or it's just a side story of lifeless man and I was like oof—, now I know why I'm so confused lol cuz I don't know the backstory of these peps. So far, it's just okay for me. Not that great and not that bad either. It's just that it didn't leave much of an impact to me aside from the ukes thicc lips lol and the amazing art and smut! Tbh, I don't really get much the plot especially their past and I kinda get pissed a little by the main characters at first lol. And basing on the couple, I feel like I'm more interested in the main couple in Lifeless Man although I haven't read it yet but I think they are more interesting than these two, probably because I think Sekwong is so hot!!! Deym daddy!!! Step on me plss! Haha Overall, not bad. I better go check and read the main story first in order to fully understand this couple side story. Fufufu

Sweet Home

Complete | Kim Carnby,Hwang Youngchan | 2000 released

THIS IS REALLY GOOD!! A MASTERPIECE!! Probably one of the best horror/monster stories I've ever read!! This is so good I cryyy!! The live action on Netflix is good too but I still prefer the webtoon more bcuz the feels on this one is different from the live action especially the ending!! It makes me cryy!! The music that Jiso composed can really touch hearts!! I have much nothing to say, this is just amazing from plots, characters, monsters, dramas and deaths to character development!! There's also unexpected twists too!! but not gonna lie, I still don't understand the desire part thing lol. But I was really sad that Jayhun, Dusik and Hyuk died! They are one of the best male dudes on the story!! And the most character development goes to Byung-il!! He really change bruh! And Hyein's death was the most unexpected lol! I mean, I already expected her to die but not in that situation lol and I'm really happy for Wook and Yuri!! I really ship them!!! And the rest of the people that survives are really worth survivors!! They are the best!! I LOVE THIS!! highly recommended

Mistake Lover

Complete | Merig | 2019 released

This is one hella lot of misunderstanding bruh! The title should be replaced from mistake lover to lovers misunderstandings! lolol. They keep making their own assumptions that worsen the situation instead of communicating it out!! But not gonna lie, it's not that bad and I quite liked it actually. Although there were some misunderstandings that are frustrating, there also some that are really funny!! I think the issue for me here is not the misunderstandings but Hesseo himself! (Brown haired bestfriend) and the resolution part! It's so anticlimatic!! Hesseo showed no character development at all! He didn't even felt guilty hurting his friends for the sake of his crush! I find him so unlikeable selfish and insensitive jerk!! He should at least get punched by Jingyeon for what he did and that would be better IMO. The ending also felt rushed! Tbh, I was kinda disappointed on this one because it started so good and really funny but it just went downhill especially after knowing that this is all Hesseo's cowardly stupid plan!! Nonetheless, I still enjoyed reading it. The characters were good except for Hesseo, the art is great but the plot is just... okay at first... but not bad. Still, it's fine for me.

Come Eat Meat

Complete | Foxingu, Gonko | 2000 released

THE ENDING IS SO SUDDEN!! I'm really disappointed on this one cuz it's really cute, funny and adorable!! There's so much potential but they ended it too soon and there is actually no solid proper ending!!! Like there's no closure if do they have mutual romantic feelings for each other and what's gonna happen after? Will they come back or not!?? There are sooo many questions that are left unanswered! The plot is just okay but it feels more like a comic strip than an actual decent plot cuz the panels per chapter were too short. If you just want to read some short cute, adorable and funny story with nothing much of a plot, then I recommend you this one! But if you're looking for some actual plot, then go read somewhere else! If you ask me, I quite liked it actually and enjoyed reading it except for that ending cuz it's too sudden. But aside from that, the characters were really cute, adorable and funny!! The art is good too!! I just wish there were more to that tho :/