Nights Before Night
Not gonna lie but I was having a hard time understanding some parts of the story like the Yakuza group chuchu, I don't know who's the enemy group and there are some dialogue that I'm confused. But even though, I don't fully understand the story, it amaze me that it still makes me teary eyed. If I'm only good at english maybe it will make me cry!! The story is really great! I've read the prequel as well and it also makes me teary eyed! This author must be really good! The smut and the uncensored is so good as well as the characters and the art. Remembering Haru's and Shiro's past still gets me every time bruh! The length of the story is just right. The only thing the problem for me is that maybe it could've been explain further about the yakuza group and the gang as well as the past because it is somewhat confusing. Overall, not bad.
I read this after reading and knowing that this is the prequel of nights before night and judging by the looks of the art, it really improves and become more beautiful! The smut is good as always and it gets me teary eyed!! Shiro's tragic past is so sadd!! Especially after Shiruge died! But that Toga dude is such a good seme!! Every uke must have this type of caring seme! The plot is good and Interesting and I get emotional but at some points, Shiro annoys me as the story goes on but I understand, thanks to Toga, he is living a good life now. Nonetheless, I enjoyed reading this one, tho I still feel sad every time Shiruge pops in my mind.. why do he have to die?? Huhu
I instantly liked this one when I first read the first chapter but during the middle of the story or chapters, I become unsure. Not gonna lie, the uke is irritating me for some points and the fact that they still have sex even in serious problems is just.. yikes! Haha but nonetheless, it got paid off with the ending tho. The ending was just so good where everyone is happy feels so great!! And the neighbor, Kurito is sooo precious that must be protected at all costt!! Although, I still don't know what to feel about the mother.. their past is just so dark!.. as expected from Harada.. imagine getting sold by your mother at a young age to have sex with old men and it hurts so bad you wanna die but she didn't even care at all!! Although, I kinda understand her situation that she also have her own sufferings but still... But yeah, nonetheless, I get teary eyed at the last chapter. The character development for momo is just great and I just love the ending!. Overall, I really enjoyed it and I like it although not gonna lie, I think there was some parts that can be a little bit better for my taste... like some development for the mother and a lil push for the uke to be more decent...
December Rain
This is beyond amazing!! This is very well-written and realistic!! This is so good I'm crying!! The last chapter made me really cry a lot! Especially the grandma! I feel very hurt and sad for her and for the couples too!! They have been through a lot!! And I felt so helpless while reading this!! I just want to come inside the story and help these two!! But I'm really glad they made a side story with them being resurrected and being able to determine each other in one glance and now they're living together and happy for each other!! This is the best side story ever!! Even though it's short, I'm really happy cuz finally! No more running away, they can just express their love for each other deeply!! I'm so happy right now. This is probably one of the best Yaoi Drama Webtoon I've ever read!! The art is good and unique although I'm kinda bothered why they don't have nose when facing in front lol but it's still good and the smut is really hot!! And that old rapist is so creepy and making me mad!! (kinda glad he died) The grandma is truly the best grandma ever!! I like the blue haired police too! And I love these main characters!! Their love and care for each other is beyond amazing!! Truly one of the best BL couple!! And the plot is really good and interesting too!! This makes me cry really hard!! Highly recommended!
Juuyoku no Chigiri
I don't think I can read this again cuz the story is just so sad and depressing!! It's only good for one-time read only. It's just so sad because they could have been in a poly relationship but the other one betrayed them!! He become desperate and because of that, he lost both of his only 2 friends and ruined the relationship they have for so long. I felt really bad for both MC and the guy who died first because imagine, seeing the person you love gets gang raped and you can't help but just watch and what's more? your trusted friend turned his back on you and killed you! leaving that as your last memory before you die and that's really fvcked up and depressing!! And to the MC, he got gang raped in front of his loved ones, lost someone he loves after the tragic event, and lastly, he found the ugly truth that it was his other trusted friend who killed his loved one! And because of the tension, he also killed his other friend which is the first man he killed ever since they became Yakuzas. That would leave a traumatizing mark in his life y'all as he keeps living. Losing the only 2 persons you only have just because of unrequited love and now, you have to keep living with that painful memory and eventually, ended up commiting suicide to fulfill their promise to stay the 3 of them together. That was, no doubt, a very painful story!! And that's enough for me lol. Actually, they could have been in a poly relationship if only that first guy didn't put pressure on tomatsu! Because based on Tomatsu, he already accepted that the uke likes the other and it felt like he would be fine just as long the 3 of them stay still together and I feel like it goes the same too for the uke that even though he's now dating the other, he wants the 3 of them to stay together. It's only the first guy who wants to leave with the uke! If only they could communicate, it could have work out!! :< Overall, I'm not really into this type of story. I just accidentally bump into this and I got hook with the rape!! And it made me curious what would happened next but now, I regret knowing lol. It's not really bad because it leaves an impression to me not to read this again lol. And in fact, I actually liked it probably because I love tragic stories lol but I think it's good. The rating is way too low!! probably because many readers dont understand tragic stories, tsk!! The plot is fine. I felt the tension and tomatsu is really sus and the art is good! The smut is also really good it makes me a lil hard lol. Not bad, deserve a bit higher rating like around 8.4/10.
Because Of You