Totsugimasen Kara!
There's an audition for omegas to be the seme's bride. Uke goes there thinking his mum signed him up to be a servant, but that wasn't the case. Seeing as he wasn't prepared for that situation he had more character then other candidates. A few became jelous of him and there was a bit drama. But despite the hardships they got together. Vrlo slatko, zapravo se kao par čine realistično (bar u poređenju sa nekim drugim yaoi parovima). Takođe, nema smuta i to nije toliki problem za ovu mangu jer ima sve ostalo da je nosi (iako znam da bi bilo baš hot da ga ima)
Sayonara Koibito, Mata Kite Tomodachi
Kanae (uke, omega) & Ougi (seme, alpha) As children, they were in love but first Kanae moved and then Ougi did too. They haven't seen each other for a very long time, until Kanae transferred to Ougi's school. The whole class consisted of alphas and there were a few *kašalj da naglasi da su zapravo bili ozbiljni* incidents that involved Kanae bc he was an omega. Ougi remained respectful to his 'friend' despite anything that was thrown his way (drugi nisu baš, pa je kul da se spomene trud iako bi realno to trebalo da bude minimum ulaganja) There's a rape tag but I'd say it's more in a psychological tag type of way rather than a fetish one. They go over the themes carefully (thought to say maturely but it's a manga about highschoolers.. sve jedno jeste na zreo način, ne odustajem) with a lot of details and everything that happens we are shown more of each character (even the side ones) and through the dialogue also. It may not seem like a lot to others who read it just to see smut or how things will pan out, but I think it has a lot more to it (at least feels like it) and I can see how much attention every single thing in this manga had been given. The art style is also pretty nice :')
Kodoku Na Taka Wa Hitokoishikute
They went to highschool together (senpai×kouhai) and were in the archery club. The uke began confessing to the seme but was denied before he even finished. Now they've made a re-encounter, will the deep-rooted feelings surface once again? Zajedno su u školi, seme je još tada imao određen tip koji mu se sviđa (visoke crnokose) i uke ofc ispunjava to. Seme se stalno "zajebava" tj. flertuje s njim i razvijaju se osećanja. Iznenada se to prekida kada uke započinje svoje priznanje njemu a on ga prekida iz straha (to ne kaže naglas). Onda se ponovo nađu posle X godina tako što nadređeni semea [glumi dečka uka] ih spoji [po ukovoj želji]. Seme je u neverici a uke želi da se osveti za ono odbijanje u srednjoj i glumi besne gliste. Manje više to to Seme ne zaslužuje te stavove i ponašanje uka. Seme je šarmantan i duhovit i sprda se i flertuje a uke je samo perverzan i ponaša se u skladu sa onim ciljem osvete (na kraju ima preobražaj i šta već ali do tad me baš nervira)
A Secret Just Between You And Me