Hope's manga / #Alpha & Omega(3)

Shingeki no Kyojin dj - Ore no Alpha

Complete | Issou g,ICHINASHI Kimi,Marcia,Higashi Ringo | 2014 released

Nzm bro kao kul je kraj ali početak...O_O

Sayonara Koibito, Mata Kite Tomodachi

Complete | yoha | 2015 released

Kanae (uke, omega) & Ougi (seme, alpha) As children, they were in love but first Kanae moved and then Ougi did too. They haven't seen each other for a very long time, until Kanae transferred to Ougi's school. The whole class consisted of alphas and there were a few *kašalj da naglasi da su zapravo bili ozbiljni* incidents that involved Kanae bc he was an omega. Ougi remained respectful to his 'friend' despite anything that was thrown his way (drugi nisu baš, pa je kul da se spomene trud iako bi realno to trebalo da bude minimum ulaganja) There's a rape tag but I'd say it's more in a psychological tag type of way rather than a fetish one. They go over the themes carefully (thought to say maturely but it's a manga about highschoolers.. sve jedno jeste na zreo način, ne odustajem) with a lot of details and everything that happens we are shown more of each character (even the side ones) and through the dialogue also. It may not seem like a lot to others who read it just to see smut or how things will pan out, but I think it has a lot more to it (at least feels like it) and I can see how much attention every single thing in this manga had been given. The art style is also pretty nice :')

Nyaa to Nakukara Aishiteyo

Complete | YAREYA Umako | 2016 released
2021-04-10 16:17 marked

Tama(seme, alpha) & Uchiumi (uke, omega) Uchiumi is allergic to cats but one night on his way home (he was drunk), he had found a stray his allergy didn't act up to. He woke up tomorrow morning and turns out, it wasn't a cat but a handsome man. Uchiumi named him Tama. Ever since he graduated from high school, Tama spends the night with different people finding beds to sleep in (as strays do), but he started to frequent Uchiumi more and more. Uchiumi met Tama's (I think younger) brother and was told Tama's family issues. Uchiumi urges Tama to make progress and the two of them actually use communication (not in the first possible moment but earlier than expected for a bl couple) Zašto ovo ima tako čudne tagove??!???!?? "Fucked up but happy ending"?? "Odd"? "Possessive lover"? Ne Niko ovde nije possessive; možda su mislili na Uchiumija ali on je samo hteo da njih dvoje budu official i da Tama prestane da spava svake noći sa drugom osobom kako bi oni bili u pravoj vezi. Odd? Ne vidim ni to, iskreno. Možda su mislili na to što Tama nosi mačije uši kad god je sa Uchiumijem ali to nije deo kinka ili išta, Uchiumi samo voli mačke ali ne može da ima jednu zbog svoje alergija (to je i razlog zašto su nastavili da se viđaju) Koji kurac im znači "fucked up but happy ending"??? Kao? Ne?!? Samo je srećan; jeste drugačiji od onoga što se očekuje ali buuraazz. Uchiumi daje Tamai podršku da izgladi stvari sa svojom porodicom koja ga je zapostavljala i on na kraju stvarno to uradi. A njih dvoje imaju ćerku na kraju. Stvarno ne vidim šta bi neko u toj situaciji opisao kao zajebano, ako išta baš je lepo što se autor posvetio i emocionalno/psihološkom delu priče umesto samo jebanju kao što dosta njih uradi i na kraju smut preraste u plot zato što druge fabule i nema. Ovde to nije slučaj!! I ja sam dodala tag za psihološki zbog toga što nije samo sex i šta već, nego ima neku dublju radnju. Ocenila bih sa više zvezdica vrv kada bi bilo duže i razvijenije, ali msm da je ovo srazmerno sa vremenom koliko mi je trebalo da pročitam i razmislim o mangi