i didnt expect it to be that tragic it made me cry for 15 mins the fact that they will never meet again and prob uke being already dead fucked me up they just wanted to live a happy life and get married in qing seme trusted and accepted uke's dreams he learned a lot to tell uke when he comes back from prison but he never came back just 4 ch made me this way im gonna cry for another 15 mins and then go to bed to cry all night
Kakumei no α
cok guzeldi ama tag atip yaticam simdi yarin summary yazarim simdi bi tane alphamiz var bu babus bond istemiyor beta foster brotherını seviyor bi tane democrat omega ile iyi anlasiyor sonra beta da benden cocugun olmaz diye ilac verip heatteki omegaya gonderiyor ama yer mi sonra diyolar tm pes ediyorum ben seni seviyorum omega istemiyorum omegayı da revolutionist yapiyolar falan iste cok guzel seviyeler kalkiyor omegalari sadece sikis malzemesi olmaktan cikariyorlar historical mosyo omegaverse nice
Beauty and the Brawn
fun to read i enjoyed it pretty much it helped me to set my mood definitely worth to re-read
Keeper of the Pearl