that was really cute at first but i went like JUST LET HIM GOD IM DYING OVER HERE (˘³˘) i waited 10 chs for that just dont draw anything related to sex and make it shounen ai if you give us crumbs we will be awaiting for more (˘ᵕ˘) and those scenes were not satisfying but i cant expect anything more than that its our cute little shy shibamoto(ノε\*) and i am not sure which one he loves the most kotaro or senpai i know he loves his senpai but its more like he shows his love and affection through kotaro i really wanted to see their lovey dovey scenes maybe shibamoto starts to act more relaxed and stops being that much timid around senpai i mean they have gone through lots of things but he is still soo shy(ノ∀`\) anyways it was really cute and enjoyable to read unless the scenes i went like "okay we are doing great now just one more step further and you will make out eventually come on JUST A LITTLE BIT MORE COME ON JUST DO IT" and "STOP IT YOU NAUHGTY DOG KOTARO THE COCKBLOCKER(꒪ཀ꒪)" yeah unless that scenes it was really good, shibamoto is a fluffy loveball on its own and when you add some cute doggies it became really sweet ᵉʰᵉʰᵉ(*ノ∇\⭒)
Shiba-kun to Shepherd-san