Don’t Say You Love Me
Ongoing | Xi Yu&,rsquo,er | 2021 released
WOAH WOAH WOAH CHILL THAT SHOWER SCENE OH MY GOD IM HOLY JESUS As of now this is my most hyped comic. Whenever mangago updates I just look straight for this. It feels like I'm reading Kisses X Kiss x Kisses again. I was there the first chapter till the end. I hope this lives up to the latter because this has so much potential. EDIT: interest is going down as the plot is literally going nowhere.
Until Morning Light
Complete | Anhana | 2022 released
my first time reading something about esper and guides. Definitely a good introduction to this genre, bazillion times better than omega verse I dont even know why that genre exists other than to bait porn
I Have To Be A Great Villain