Pet's Aesthetics
Ever since Primary school through University, Cho-Ul and Ju-Ah are very close friends. Ju-Ah always fantasizes of being inimate with popular Cho-Ul and always keep looking at her with desire. But Ju-Ah would keep a lid on her feeling in fear of losing their friendship....which she is contented with. hol-ul actually does love Ju-A. She just isn't as obvious as Ju-A, but she definitely does love her. In fact, she seems very disinterested in other people besides Ju-A. That is her naturally aloof, seemingly uninterested, mysterious personality through Ju-A's perspective. She absolutely loves teasing and messing with Ju-A, and she was basically leading her on the entire time. Chapter 8.5 does an excellent job of providing closure by providing Chol-ul's perspective. "The truth is in my pocket, and it tickles me every time it rustles. A secret we both know, but don't say." They both realize their feelings for each other, but they are maintaining this quasi-friendship. Their relationship doesn't need to be labeled, since what they have is so special. What they have is more special than normal lovers.
Ghosts of Greywoods