The New Shepherd Dog
It really came down to this huh? Adsfghjkgchvskxisht
Suicide Line
Ch. 16 The cliffhanger AAAAAHHH I'm so curious!!
Muchuu sa, Kimi ni.
Just nonsense and pointless bromance, love it.
I Shall Live As a Prince
The ending was a bit of a let-down, so much potential with the reversed isekai for a second season, but oh well, guess they (the author) got bored of it or something, huh
The S-Classes That I Raised
Now, you won't believe me, but I ended up reading this because of a doujinshi on 마리망 like wtf? An knee ways, a fucking gem, I'm absolutely in love with this! Absolutely love all the characters and wish I had the patience to re-read it because some chapters deserve to be read two, three times (which I did hihihihi)
Barbarian Quest
Look, I haven't seen art this beautiful since, idk, King's Maker? And even that might be a stretch, this is just… it's hard to believe in what my eyes are seeing. The plot is good, it's really good, short archs, all very well connected, not flawless, but perfect in its own way. I'm often reminded of Captive Prince, and even Vikings (the TV show), it's just overwhelmingly well done and it knows who's its reader, I mean, war shows like this are said to have men as its target audience but once you step into the fandom it's women, war stories, battle stories, that tells tales of the warriors, the soldiers, the mercenaries, the gladiators? Those are for the female gaze, I have the highest of the expectations for this