My Next-Door Neighbor Kei's Love Is Creepy
↝[younger seme clingy X older office worker uke]--+ stalker seme Unexpectedly this one is creepily cute Already fucking in chapter one
There's No Way I'm the Protagonist
(25/5/23)- Da fuq it's far from completed. NOOO WHY DID I START READING THIS
Muhyeok and Naui: My Irresistible Neighbor
Imma drop this bs down like wtf is wrong with you? Are you crazy or what?? What worth do you have to be irritated by the bottom?? Like you are the one raping him helloooo?? And i would 100%side with the bott like why would you even be friends with someone that just raped you?? Huh?? The fuck 11- boy he RAPED you for weeks and now tgat ge's finally gone, YOU CAME BACK AND LOOK FOR HIM? WTF IM SO DONE WITH BOTH THESE DUMBASS . HE FUCKIN RAPED YOU WHAT THE HELL?? Why even would you be lonely without him. YOU SHOULD BE HAPPY INSTEADDDD HAIHHH AKU YG PANAS BACA NI. DAH LA IM OT.
Tadareta Koi ni wa Itashimasen!
Somehow i keep coming back here lol. I remembered the strawberry condoms too lol. They both are so damn cuuuteeee The smex is *chef's kiss* purrrfect AND THE BLCD TOO. I JUST FOUND IT AFTER YEARSS kat channel tele baru tuuu. AND AKU RASA² SUARA UKE DIA TU SHIRAI YUUSUKE RASANYA LAAA. PART SMEX TU WEHHH
Tonari no Metaller-san