Dark Heaven
Coponicus No Kokyuu
The artwork was amazing that is what I most liked about this story. It didn't end the way that I expected but it was still a great story. I like a sweeter kind of story this was very dark with a lot of emotionally damaged people but the author managed to tie it all together in the end. Thanks for the different keep up the awesome work.
Royal Servant
Mooooore pleeeeese!!!!!! Can't wait for the next update this is an awesome story so far. I love the artwork too so thanks for this!!!!
Kokoro O Korosu Houhou
This is such a disturbing story. At first he loves his step-brother like family until he rapes him over and over then threatens him verbally and just altogether manipulates him. Even though the aggressor is the younger brother he is in desperate need of counselling and now the older brother just needs someone to intervene and be there for him so he can heal. If the two of them get together this would not work not in a real life sense. The younger boy has committed a crime no matter how attractive the package may be he is in need of psychological assistance. Sorry, I feel sad for the characters in this story. I will read the rest to find out what happens.
At the End of the Road
This story is soooooo cool!!!! Can't wait to read more!!!! I really hope the main character stays strong like he has been portrayed thus far in the story. I hate it when they make the main guy turn into a weak and needy person. He has been standing up for himself all his life I hope it stays that way. Can't wait to read more!!!!!
Similar Terms
Sankaku Opera
I find the rape scene offensive but the rest I have to admit is dark and sexy! I just don't find rape to be sexy it's all about control of someone else and gives no choices. I feel this is just for the sex factor and the threesome story line but kudos for the artwork it is flowing and beautifully drawn!
Ochiru Seija no Seppun
I read this but the stories are not my cup of tea. The last story is especially disturbing due to the teacher student violence!!! During the flashbacks we know that the student was molested by an older adult when he was a child I don't like this kind of story. I know this is just a story but to be raped is not sexy or beautiful it is just pain and trauma not love of any sort. These stories had no emotional connection at all it was just about perversion and violence not love at all. I am sure that those people that practice S&M are consenting to it not situations such as these. Sorry this is not to my taste.
Killing Stalking