Love the twisted attachment issues and inner conflicts :D
Marionette (Cereal)
Dear Door
What can I say. It’s a masterpiece through and through
Criminal Interview
This was one hell of a story my god. Amazing mystery and combo of complex events and sentimental feelings. the story’s surprisingly super touching, romantic, and well-put together I will admit, it’s quite a packaged story in itself and the heavy angst doesn’t contain guilty-pleasure elements for myself, so it’s not a light and easy read. If I want something deep and mull over the occurrences of life, consequences, and unfortunate series of events, I’ll read this, but otherwise it’s not smth I’ll enjoy reading on a normal basis lol (a.k.a. Not a reread). Great novel-like story nonetheless. Well-made. Probably akin to a tragic soap opera?
My Way With You
Pissin shittin cryin bawlin my eyes out Wonderful story Maybe the fact that it had too much lookism was off-putting but that aside…the story goes hard. On the feels. Painfully. Makes me think of dad’s possible death. Makes me cry. But they’re such happily ever after kinda couple and super duper in lovey dovey. So it all evens out to a very addicting bittersweet taste. Angst is awesome, not quite guilty pleasure cuz of the actual pain it puts me thru tho. But man the characters, events, and storytelling are genius. Gortgus. They’re so in love with each other
Kotaete My Drifter
Very bittersweet…it’s the type of story that remains a beautiful tragedy from start to finish. Dealt a crappy hand at birth, forced to live through a shitty society (in this case, not a dystopia or warzone but a mafioso and on-the-run type of trope.) Man…the European vibes already got my heart strings in a vice grip, I’m in pain from this circumstance of “never given a peaceful option from start to finish”. Makes me think too much about the “what if’s” of a peaceful life, especially since their environment technically gives that option (cuz it’s not dystopia or warszone). It’s like waking up to a bright beautiful day and see all the primary kids outside joyfully running around, but are stuck hiding behind cramped temporary walls cuz the safe public is unsafe for you. I’m…yeah I’m in a mood. This bittersweet story’s hurting more than usual
Magnolia (Sumiyoshi Ryo)