Iu Koto Kiite, Sensei
The age gap ain’t my thing but it’s a nice vibe
Pink Cherry Complex
Pain, Sweet Pain
Ch.4 - Superficial drama cuz uke couldn’t communicate for sht…he only said 10% of what he was (over)thinking, even when it was confirmed their feelings were mutual???? Wtf you have a mouth (and he wasn’t in play anymore), speak mf. Author made him “fall asleep” at the worst time to prevent communication too, like how fkn dumb is that??? Ch.5-6 ok the makeup scene was fine
Muhyeok and Naui: My Irresistible Neighbor
It got so damn fluffy LOL they’re cute they’re cute The communications were pretty well-handled, albeit a tiny bit childish but reasonable given their backgrounds Seme was being a little inhumanely/unrealistically villainous at the beginning to the point that his cutesyness during the established relationship was a massive jump in character, but oh well they cute and it was decently addressed anyway Fluff was so fluffy but a bit too flowery in effects?? XDD Author loved heartbeats my lawd
Biting a Vampire
Hmm Uke had his cool moments but he was high key annoying lol Decent read, art styles a bit meh
Tasogare Outfocus
4.5-5*; very poetic and well-written, was very sweet :) 1st of series It uh, really glossed over the pedo tho eh lmao. Guess he ran without repercussions
Zanzou Slow Motion
4.5-5*; pretty nice camaraderie and coming-of-age moments 3rd in series
Yoiyoi Monologue
4th in series Love these characters :0 and the cameos from other couples made me love all characters more I feel like Uke was author’s self-insert (earnest hard-working character), cuz why the fk was the seme so cool????????????? He had way too many wild perspective and close-up shots that made in look impossibly hot…had to take a few pics for reference lmao. Funny how the uke was an athletic god tho
Sex with the Love Interest! But I'm an NPC!
Err it was aight
Usotsuki Omega No Kamase Kata