Wewwwwwww dat’s some gud guilty read Got a lotta chapters saved for the angst folder hahaha Character development is consistent and the tone of the story’s consistent; the fuckery is consistent thruout and the plot segues seamlessly into different parts of the story. Perpect read!
Bitter Like Light
Mihanada Pectolite
Koi O Hitokuchi
2.5; Seme’s such a horn dog it’s like he ain’t human anymore lmaoo He’s got no respect for boundaries istg
I Seriously Can't Believe You...
Asatte ni Kiss
Kawaii Obaka-kun
Ookami he no Yomeiri
A BEAUTIFUL PIECE OF WORK the entire cast is hella wholesome and the main couple is gorgeously domestic, the comfort and wholesome vibes of this entire village is HHHNNNGGGGGGGGG (and maybe it’s cuz of my origins but seeing the traditional Japanese setting gives me comfort/sad/anxious nostalgia vibes and I’m love-hating it LUL) The author’s really good at drawing angst thriller scenes too, the art aesthetic is like, a mix between realism-angst & soft-animu Also the seme is SUPER HOT HAHAHAHA
Inma-kun wa Oshigoto Dekinai