Kawaikunai Aniki o Aegasu Houhou
Hmmmmm at least it’s mutual XD?????? Lowkey feels like grooming but hey if it works for them long term and it remains a sustainable/stable relationship I see no problem Angst was gr8 hehe
Namaiki na Otouto wo Itooshimu Houhou
Was more lighthearted than the prequel, but author still drew the yikes parts with good and proper emotions (horror) :D Respecc Good angst, less focus on that this time round tho, more on possessiveness and smut
Bakadane, Shitteruyo.
Ok I know this is a lowkey tragedy but IT’S TOO FUNNYYYY HAHAHAA mutually fucked up yay
Sono Kuchibiru ni Yoru no Tsuyu
Uhhh this took a weirdly romantic direction at the end, a lotta shit was swept under the rug in favour of love lololol Story isn’t as dark as the comments say, and honestly this story is basically about children in adult bodies :/ fr y’all don’t know how to express love so you rape??????? You want the other to smile at you, be only yours, be special, etc etc so you…rape?????? Fk outta here, y’all retarded and stayed retarded into your adult years
Nishikaidan No Akuma
? Too short to properly discern the plot, the chapter was decently aesthetic at least
I had anal sex with a cold childhood friend who never switched words with me
Lost in the Cloud
Ore, higaisha
Story quality ~3* Enjoyable quality ~3-4* Well it’s like uh 10% fluff? And more of the fluff is overshadowed by the fkd up sht Technically a nice read and I enjoyed it but it was a fkn ROLLERCOASTER and I’m not kidding when I say the story flew EVERYWHERE Holy shit these short stories were crazy