The “dad” is weird but I got used to it lmao. Idk how tf the authors do it but adds another layer of fkd up to this situation and is hella hot hahahahahahahahahaha
Uke’s emotionally vulnerable but isn’t a doormat, he does act like those typical cool empathetic boss-mans, he fights well, has low self-esteem, low ego, but takes a stand when needed, also super cute on bed, and he takes care of the seme so well and dotes on him (like an actual “dad” which is nice and weird at the same time), he knows who the seme is and ACCEPTS IT cuz he is of a similar (murderous) colour albeit with a slightly different hue, he’s such a nice accepting parent, fkn hell the gap moe is too much, AAAA
Ngl I hate that I love this so much LOL
Seme is a typical psychopath who loves his “dad” and “dad” only lol, but he’s so sweet and treasures the uke so well I’m inclined to forgive his psychopathy. Uke is truly a gem.
Man this sht hot
Also the side characters (uke’s hyungs) are surprisingly wholesome, and knowing their history, their routine situation doesn’t seem so bad, almost wholesome (as much as it could be considering they were forced into this situation)
Edit: myyyyy gawddddd I’m still hella on the fence for this “dad” this thing but the authors somehow…somehow make it so loveable and wholesome……..fuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuck. Ya know what amma just like it without restraint and say “fuck morals” for this one
Miscreants And Mayhem