Paripi -Party ☆ People-
Dakaretai Otoko Ichii Ni Odosarete Imasu.
Love Shuttle
4.5-5 Good smut and really enjoyable wholesome + humour moments; the way the established couples act make it easy to love them! The side characters (except for that antagonist-ish dude) are all so nice to the main couple and it’s wholesome to see all those dynamics. But uh, their actions during conflict is...uh. It’s just, uhhhh the author doesn’t seem to know how to make reasonable dialogues and actions for conflict. It always leaves me going like “why u mad about that?” “That’s your reaction??” And stuff like that. Also, some of the uke’s actions (mostly in the beginning when the story was trying to establish the couple) were super dick-ish to the point that it was like the author didn’t know how to make his character properly (it seemed shallow and off considering his family background and current stare of life.) Idk, the seme has super nice and well-rounded ADULT-LIKE personality but the uke seems to have regressed 10 years despite being older than the seme lmao The silver lining: the author knows how to make a generally healthy and wholesome couple, just doesn’t know how to get there LOL
Ippou Sonokoro
Interesting plot and really funny how the mahou shoujo “protags” and the “antags” (story main chars) get along Pretty light read, no heavy or deep characterization. They”re all fucking around and it’s cute lmao Smut could’ve been hotter tbh
Hold Me Tight
Really good slow development of characters and plot! No weird loopholes, reasonable and realistic dialogue, though some points were a little questionable or inconsistent (the over possessiveness of Gio, the reasons behind Gio pushing away Felix but then sticking to him again for “protection”, etc.). Great conflicts (nothing new and unique, but still nice to read) and reeeeeeally nice trauma-related guilty pleasure reads huheuehuhuehhuheuheh Enjoyable read overall, a pretty agreeable 5 stars Edit: aight I’m here after a second wave of updates for the second season and HYPE HYPE THE SEME IS SO CONSIDERATE AND KIND AND CUTE THIS IS MORE THAN AN AGREEABLE 5 STARS WEEOOOWEEOOO
Ore no Kirai na Senpai
5++++ AAAAAMAZING WORK! Unique plot, fkn awesome art (it uses that abstract flowy style I draw in + has bomb-ass character designs), character interactions are hilarious and/or badass asf, character development is seggsy ASF The lighthearted hilarious moments (chibi panels, etc) are honestly unexpected for the dark tone this story takes, but it’s more than welcome cuz the contrast makes me laugh my ass off. The protag’s badass development is hhhnnnngggggggggg and Datenshou’s cute ‘n seggsy asf I also expected gore to be the more focal point of this story, but it takes up like, 10% of the chapters so far? Maybe less? It’s good art and I enjoyed it anyways so it don’t matter, but just a note for future readers who wanted to avoid this manga cuz “ewww goreeee”. Dialogues are more important in this story than the action, and dialogues eventually become the action hahaha
Mauri to Ryuu
The Affairs of the Other World Depend on the Corporate Slave
5+++; AMAZING WRITING (translations), world building is done super well and I see no loopholes, everything is well detailed and set in place. There’s a lot of effort put into the politics within this manga, which I love! All that clever dialogue really shines especially with the extraordinary translations. I empathize with MC’s values and I completely understand his workaholic behaviour lmao, and the seme’s super cute Nobert’s character makes me laugh nonstop Ch:18: AW YEAH I LOVE THIS STORY SO MUCHHHHHHH It’s got all the badass and angsty and romantic elements I love It’s a trope compilation of all my favourites huehueheueheuheh
Therapy Game