Tadareta Koi ni wa Itashimasen!
PERFECT PLOT (constant climaxes, probs cuz the manga was getting axed, rip. But consistent and super fun pacing overall), BEYOND AMAZING CHARACTER DYNAMICS (seriously it’s all so intricate wtf), story focuses on philosophical themes and weaves them in perfectly, it deviates from villain tropes to eventually lead every character into a “yeah they’re actually a decent person” lol, and I’ve realized that takayama a & karasuma are both the biggest hero MCs but are always shown in a diabolical light, so that was hella interesting LOVE IT
Teasing Voice
Koisuru Tetsumenpi
Sweet Heart Trigger
Idk if it’s the translations, but IT’S SO WELL-WRITTEN WITH A WESTERN VIBE UT LEGIT FEELS MURICAN WTF also yes characters are sorta fkd but the dynamics are pretty nice The seme is a typical white fkboy that I’m max-weary of irl tho lmao The story makes me generally uncomfortable for the “fluffy” vibes it usually tries to give off, I figured it was the western vibe but I guess it’s just straight up toxic
Mother's Spirit
SO HOT, WHOLESOME, SWEET, ROMANTIC, UWUWUWUWUWU, MY HEART AAASHSSIHDDK OK NO CAP THEY’RE SO HOT WTF This story’s a lot more mushy and romantic with the “spirit” and “soul” stuff lol It has a really calming atmosphere (with the abundance of nature themes) and I feel so at peace reading this The seme’s got some amazing diligence and sense of responsibility I aspire to have as naturally as he does lol
Tensei Shitara Slime Datta Ken