Drugless Sex 2
Really unique otaku seme persona, he’s lowkey autistic lmao with the way he bulldozes thru with whatever he wants and with how lacks more empathy & consideration than the norm (he also can’t read body language as well?) Really fun and cute to see the emotionally sharp uke fall head over heels with a seme like that haha, realistically seems highly unlikely but it’s probably thanks to all the good seggs and other proximal acts that the feelings bloomed in the end Love seeing them lovey-dovedy hehe Also HOT SMUT
Tondemo Skill de Isekai Hourou Meshi
SO WHOLESOME, SO FUNNY, I LOVE IT I love that the OP-powers are mostly going to the MC’s loyal familiars lol, and that the MC gets all the benefits of a comfy lifestyle instead (lotsa money ;D). Truly a beneficial symbiotic relationship, I love it
You're All Dead if You Mess With My Brother
Love how MC doesn’t immediately fall for ML just cuz he’s hot, she sees his shitty personality for what it is LOL she’s such a badass I love all the dramatic and fearful tension, the angst is top-notch ;))) ML is also a literal man-child lmaoo Ashka scares me It’s always the nicest dudes that flip into cold murderers that scares tf outta me
Tabesugi Kinshi!
Seme’s personality would’ve been ass if he was human, but since he’s a demon I’ll hold him to different standards and tolerate him lol The little demon fluff balls were SO CUTE
Moto Yakuza ga BL Sakka ni Nattarashii
4.5-5*; cute overall! I still can’t get over the “eyes of an assassin” lmfaooo
Kamisama to Tobenai Tsukai
Ore no Doukyuusei ga Binkan sugite Yabai
4.5-5*; hahahaha this was cute and funny, the seme is a little insensitive but ah well
Drugless Sex