Summoning a BL Fan to Another World
Goodbye to Destiny
This Art pretty af
Define The Relationship
They’re so cordial with their language LOL I guess it’s rich people talk It’s so WHOLESOME that it’s sickly sweet looool The angst of their temporary breakup was painful to read thru tho. It was great writing, it’s just not a guilty-pleasure brand of angst xD This thing was quite the slow burn The artist is so good at art jesussususususususus Also smut and eggsual tension is top-notch!?!?!? Like GODDAMN!?!?!?!!
Guiding Hazard
Bro the translations have no right to be this well-localized and hilarious I’m dying every chapter HOW IS THUS SHIT SO FUNNY ALSO HOT ASF CHARACTERS PERPECT ART HOT SMET AMAZING ACTION AMAZING CHARACTERIZATION AAAAIIIYYYYAAAAAAA This story fr make my heart go thump-a thump-a
Ok starts off as absolute miseryporn and irredeemably horrible personalities, but…around 50 chapters in it seems the author’s trying to incorporate cute and humane moments to spark romance? They’re forcing it a bit Ngl lol but the angst and action is def fun. I feel like the author started switching directions with the personalities and character development partway in…like they wanted to start and end with the most horrible personas just to see the MC snap beyond oblivion, but partway through they’re like “wait that ain’t gonna work, guess I should start going the normie way” Smut’s pretty good, not the best but better than decent
My Darling is a Foreign Crybaby
Pretty cute lol. Art style has a little too many eyelashes but it’s good nonetheless. But uh, the author’s ignorance of western culture shines through when they drew black people like caricatures LOL
Keep a Dog