Samenai Yume
Some transitions came outta nowhere lol but overall it’s a nice fkd up read I like that last panel especially :DDDD
Okubyoumono Ni I Love You
3.5; soft and cute haha It was a tiny bit boring but it had good pacing and characters :)
Shitto wa ai o Kumoraseru
Mm, BEAUTIFUL PIANO ART YES seme has serious love-trust issues cuz dad’s an ass and mom died too fast xd Ending was bittersweet (10% bitter) in that both partners lived on being extremely possessive of each other LOL but they acknowledge each of their insecurities and know how to cope w/ em so ‘s all good
Never Good Enough
Honestly SO MATURE :OOO It’s got a lot of mature interactions and dialogues without the overbearing heaviness of adult-world-angst vibes lol, I love ittttttt it gives good self-love lessons too Everyone’s so mature hahahaha holy shit I really gotta say that again
Butai ni Sake!
This author’s amazing with characterization WTF Depiction of social anxiety and teenage anxiety (worrying about what everyone thinks) is SPOT ON and the characters are so mature and inspirational holy sht They’re so passionate it’s crazy how much work they put into their club activities Maximum respect to them holy fk (def characters to look up to) This one is more angsty and touches a lot more on teenage worries (+potential family issues) compared to their fudanshi series, which is a wholly welcome change. The author handles this new vibe really well. Also: BADASS ACTING WOOOOOOOOO
Hirano to Kagiura
Ikigami to Donor
AWWAWAWAW AND THEY LIVED HAPPILY EVER AFTER SO CUTE SO CUTE THE ENDING’S SO WHOLESOME it’s a little political but overall not that overbearing, I love the blooming romance haha. I love how the plot wrapped up in the end, and the way the seme becomes smitten is so adorable He plot’s execution wasn’t the greatest but it wasn’t the worst, the lowkey yaoi-style-rushed romance wasn’t unbearable lol (I guess I’m just used to it now cuz it didn’t bother me)