Shiettttt issssss HAWTTTTTTT Love the MC’s tough love on everyone and himself, very good- but steel-hearted man. Like a warm hearth! Author’s decision in giving MC 2 different eyes is actually so genius. In the climactic and emotional scenes, only zooming into each half of his face cleverly and clearly shows his two warring emotions: 1) soft, heartbroken, sadge, and wholesome side and 2) absolutely murderous angry, irritated, pragmatic, almost cold-hearted side.LOVE THE CHAR DESIGN IT’S SO SMART Also love how Jay’s identity was revealed in season 3. Really puts a wholesome perspective behind his actions. They all seem much more meaningful and genuine, and not cold and calculated and will-throw-you-out-immediately vibes like his gangster identity. The slow burn development of their relationship was so fkn smooth I didn’t even notice how wholesome it got. Author is a characterization genius Also yes smut hot yes
Kotaete My Drifter
Very bittersweet…it’s the type of story that remains a beautiful tragedy from start to finish. Dealt a crappy hand at birth, forced to live through a shitty society (in this case, not a dystopia or warzone but a mafioso and on-the-run type of trope.) Man…the European vibes already got my heart strings in a vice grip, I’m in pain from this circumstance of “never given a peaceful option from start to finish”. Makes me think too much about the “what if’s” of a peaceful life, especially since their environment technically gives that option (cuz it’s not dystopia or warszone). It’s like waking up to a bright beautiful day and see all the primary kids outside joyfully running around, but are stuck hiding behind cramped temporary walls cuz the safe public is unsafe for you. I’m…yeah I’m in a mood. This bittersweet story’s hurting more than usual
Bad Friend
A little corny and cliche (w/ Chinese story tropes) but a very feel-good story with the way it resolved all the conflict and angst. Cute read! The angst was nice. The familial angst could’ve been developed much deeper, but eh I can look for psychological horror elsewhere. Also why tf is the smut so good LOL
Sometimes the plot feels like a fever dream lol It’s super big-brained, unique, and complex. Massive applause to this author for combining drama with angst and murder mysteries lol How tf did the author make the seme so unassuming at first then make him into the coolest most badass character wtf I’m blushing when I see this man…he’s a modern day villain that turned to good deeds purely cuz of circumstances; if his drive was misplaced (e.g. dystopian setting or smth) he’d definitely become the scariest criminal LOL Uke is so cute aeyeyeye They’re both so considerate of each other they love each other so much ayaaaaaaa Also The smut is so fkn hot FUCK Ch 20: Fkn bittersweet wholesomeness facing uke’s father’s past. I cried, fuck.
Ii Ko ni Dekitara Hometekure
Aw HELL YEAH The start was a bit wonky in morals but whatever I’ll let that slide cuz I do be liking the story a lot scratched the good itch of “comforting overworked Uke” hehe, the angst and comfort were very fun reads Got its good cute moments too, and amazing wholesome scenes Also super fkn hilarious??? Author’s really good at comedy
Knee down and ask love
Love it! Hope it gets updated Currently: Some pages go hella out of order in 2nd chapter and fuck up flow. Oh well Uke is heavily prejudiced against subs cuz of his mom (family trauma), seme is the son of (probably benevolent) doctors and basically a Canadian lmao. Accepts subs and has no prejudice, considers subs and does equal to norms. Has his cool dom moments too Premise is my fav and smut is great :’3
Sabsama Shitsukeno Jikandesu
Oh shit this HOT Overworked angst + family trauma scratches the itch so well Seme is a dom that used to hate being a dom, so lived most life as a sub. Now has comes to terms, so understands how to get over self-hatred and care for others suffering the same. So he’s a dom that’s also comfortable posing as a sub cuz he’s held that identity for a while…and is a really good dom himself;; Basically the ideal stereotype of “cinnamon roll on the outside, beast on the inside” LOOOL fk this is cliche but I eat that sht up Uke is stronk, admirable, benevolent, and self-sacrificing. Very good kid :’) Relatable self-confidence amd mommy issues lol.
Jealousy (Scarlet Beriko)
Note to future self: Read it in full if I’m ready for emotional pain (not the good kind) but a HEA literary masterpiece. It’s great. I skimmed and skipped a lot of chapters cuz I wasn’t strong enough, but this story is a cinematic masterpiece. Such complex and interwoven relationships, very strong “found family” vibes, everyone loving each other in their own complicated way, etc…I’m so cooked Other characters were so well-written: - Late wife is so beautiful inside and out. Strongest, coolest, most devoted,most empathetic, most patient, best lady of the house. So smart and confident about her position in ML’s life that she allowed morally grey relationships to continue…because she knew that as abnormal as it all was, it works just right. - daughter (Reika) is so relatable I cried fuck…and she’s aware and super considerate of her dad and wants the best for him, and is so emotionally mature - Hachi (“pet” lol) is so cool and funny too. I bet he’ll be the best older brother to Reika. He reads the mood very well and is sharp enough to acknowledge Reika’s emotional sacrifices - ML is such a unique and aloof character that’s also dutiful, responsible, super cool, enigmatic, and self-sacrificing to a fault. My god, his acts during childhood to keep the peace of the family and make his brother happy…fuck. Crying. - MC is our resident pity-boy lol we love him. He’s done much for others around him too.
Pain, Sweet Pain
Ch.4 - Superficial drama cuz uke couldn’t communicate for sht…he only said 10% of what he was (over)thinking, even when it was confirmed their feelings were mutual???? Wtf you have a mouth (and he wasn’t in play anymore), speak mf. Author made him “fall asleep” at the worst time to prevent communication too, like how fkn dumb is that??? Ch.5-6 ok the makeup scene was fine
Exotic Love