Don't Be Nice To Me
MC’s family dysfunctions had a little too many parallels with mine lmao yikes the triggers Couple is very cute and the sticky notes for chapter covers were super clever. Storytelling was smooth and the author def knew what she was doing :) great characters and great humour. The art was ok, could’ve been better, but fits right for the story.
Double Trap
Quite a good read :) Will probs stay memorable no notes needed methinks
Akari to Kare wa Nayamashii
THEY’RE BOTH SUCH CAPABLE COOL HARDWORKING SUAVE CUTE ADORABLE CONSIDERATE EMPATHETIC AMAZING PEOPLE AAAAAAAAA I love how stoic Akari turned into such an expressive mess lmao he had a lot of funny moments Ok fr where can I find a stoic and cool and considerate seme like this ;w; pls ;;w;;
Egoism Heat
NAH CUZ WTF THAT WAS ACTUALLY SO FKN GOOD!?!?!? The story is actually so real Side characters are all G’s, they’re beyond homies for lyf The misery elements might’ve been a little too plentiful for a single volume but I enjoyed the drama and it flowed well anyway so HAHA it was genius yes Guilty pleasure bookmarked too hehe They’re just such amazing characters ayayayayayyaa
Goodbye to Destiny
This Art pretty af
Define The Relationship
They’re so cordial with their language LOL I guess it’s rich people talk It’s so WHOLESOME that it’s sickly sweet looool The angst of their temporary breakup was painful to read thru tho. It was great writing, it’s just not a guilty-pleasure brand of angst xD This thing was quite the slow burn The artist is so good at art jesussususususususus Also smut and eggsual tension is top-notch!?!?!? Like GODDAMN!?!?!?!!
Guiding Hazard
Bro the translations have no right to be this well-localized and hilarious I’m dying every chapter HOW IS THUS SHIT SO FUNNY ALSO HOT ASF CHARACTERS PERPECT ART HOT SMET AMAZING ACTION AMAZING CHARACTERIZATION AAAAIIIYYYYAAAAAAA This story fr make my heart go thump-a thump-a
Stranger Than Friends