Back to School
Honestly bland LOL I was expecting a resolved threesome endgame but it was a typical love triangle. The angst and trauma were nice but sorta bland, it wasn’t explored as deep as it could’ve been (understandable cuz it’s the author’s first work) and there isn’t as much mention of it. A cookie-cutter story template for the trauma AND the love triangle trope. Protagonist was a gr8 char tho :3
Adam no Rokkotsu
Features dissociative identity disorder; fetishizes the disorder a bit and the recovery process is a little too ez and scientifically dubious lol but THE PLOT AND CHARACTERS ARE AMAZINNNNNGGGH Even if it’s inaccurate, I really enjoy the creative liberties the author took :D
HohoHO U THOUGHT IT WAS THE FATHER? NAHNAH IT’S THE CHILD THAT’S FUCKIN’ Jokes aside this was a really interesting read, me likey
Black Mirror
haHAA I LOVE IT Uke is a perfect attachment-issue kinda char, and also does the “model student (willingly) stooping to the low” kekekekek and seme is a perfect match They’re both obsessed with each other this is a great fantasy-read :^)))) Edit: so the ending was the typical “the world sucks so kill the sucky people” narrrative lol, it wasn’t that unique and ~wow~ but it tied things off fairly well. Overall, 4.5-5*!
Happy Sugar Life