Harukawakun To Yukisensei No Fudanshi Jijo.
1st story: 4* 2nd story: 5* (just hit the right amount of supernatural and cuteness hehe)
Tabesugi Kinshi!
Seme’s personality would’ve been ass if he was human, but since he’s a demon I’ll hold him to different standards and tolerate him lol The little demon fluff balls were SO CUTE
Kamisama to Tobenai Tsukai
Chainsaw Man
Started off on a happier note, midway and past that it started to take on Tokyo Ghoul and late-JJK vibes (which was ok and not a whiplash cuz it did start off a little wack and crooked so the transition was seamless) Awesome read overall, i guess the lack of wholesome made me disconnect from the manga a bit. Too much killing sprees lol. Humor stayed on brand and that was great. The relationships (the positive ones) were really nice and cute Overall, I guess with a stressful life rn as is, I’m more in the mood for wholesome and/or non-deep manga. Again, great read, but I’ll just stick to NIER if I want to feel depressed and philosophical The ending was cute tho, I like how the author ended it
Yari no Yuusha no Yarinaoshi
Honestly better than the OG story LOL I love it so muchhhhhhhhh
Tonde Hi Ni Iru Natsu No Neko
Really cute pairings and characters, especially the last one! They all had their charms and I love ‘em all
Assassin de aru ore no Sutetasu ga Yuusha yori mo Akiraka ni Tsuyoi Nodaga
Pretty feels-good manga, nothing too special but it’s a fun read Got some nice familial wholesome moments
Oni no Esa ja Arimasen