Mm,mmYES this was def darker than the prequel but it’s understandable considering their pasts. They ended up in a sorta mutually fkd up relationship (cuz of their uhhhhh possessiveness + desire to be possessed?) and I love it hahhaa they fit so well with each other The seme was willing to compromise too, he sifted from “hold him against my will” to “hold myself back for his sake”, good mans good mans. He’s actually super caring too, so honestly ideal mans?? Love how the author made the uke act more like a cat than normal cats LOLL he was so cute
Samenai Yume
Some transitions came outta nowhere lol but overall it’s a nice fkd up read I like that last panel especially :DDDD
Shitto wa ai o Kumoraseru
Mm, BEAUTIFUL PIANO ART YES seme has serious love-trust issues cuz dad’s an ass and mom died too fast xd Ending was bittersweet (10% bitter) in that both partners lived on being extremely possessive of each other LOL but they acknowledge each of their insecurities and know how to cope w/ em so ‘s all good
Never Good Enough
Honestly SO MATURE :OOO It’s got a lot of mature interactions and dialogues without the overbearing heaviness of adult-world-angst vibes lol, I love ittttttt it gives good self-love lessons too Everyone’s so mature hahahaha holy shit I really gotta say that again
Ibara no Naka no Hana
Honestly enjoyable read HAHA would reread again It’s relatively light and short for a psychological thriller, and dare I say cute??? No direct trauma was thrust upon the uke by the seme…directly heh (typical strings behind the scenes kinda thing but even that wasn’t too…bad…? Relatively?)
Sukidesu, Zenbukudasai
First story: they were so immature it was comedic lmaooo but yeah they were hella dramatic for 30 y/o’s 2nd story: ok that was cute asf
1st story: 4* THEY’RE SO FKN IMMATURE LOL it’s hella ridiculous for ppl their age and if it wasn’t for the author’s saving grace of high-quality humour I would’ve given this toxic over-tsundere couple a 2* They got their cute sides and they understand each other deeply, but man…their default banter seems a tinge bit too seriously toxic xdddddd 2nd story: 4.5* Established relationship was significantly less toxic than the first couple lol They went through a lotta ups and downs but they love and care for each other in the end yay Lowkey felt like uke regressed to a child-like state (which was reasonable within circumstances but not my cup of tea haha)
Bakadane, Shitteruyo.