Sabsama Shitsukeno Jikandesu
Oh shit this HOT Overworked angst + family trauma scratches the itch so well Seme is a dom that used to hate being a dom, so lived most life as a sub. Now has comes to terms, so understands how to get over self-hatred and care for others suffering the same. So he’s a dom that’s also comfortable posing as a sub cuz he’s held that identity for a while…and is a really good dom himself;; Basically the ideal stereotype of “cinnamon roll on the outside, beast on the inside” LOOOL fk this is cliche but I eat that sht up Uke is stronk, admirable, benevolent, and self-sacrificing. Very good kid :’) Relatable self-confidence amd mommy issues lol.
Jealousy (Scarlet Beriko)
Note to future self: Read it in full if I’m ready for emotional pain (not the good kind) but a HEA literary masterpiece. It’s great. I skimmed and skipped a lot of chapters cuz I wasn’t strong enough, but this story is a cinematic masterpiece. Such complex and interwoven relationships, very strong “found family” vibes, everyone loving each other in their own complicated way, etc…I’m so cooked Other characters were so well-written: - Late wife is so beautiful inside and out. Strongest, coolest, most devoted,most empathetic, most patient, best lady of the house. So smart and confident about her position in ML’s life that she allowed morally grey relationships to continue…because she knew that as abnormal as it all was, it works just right. - daughter (Reika) is so relatable I cried fuck…and she’s aware and super considerate of her dad and wants the best for him, and is so emotionally mature - Hachi (“pet” lol) is so cool and funny too. I bet he’ll be the best older brother to Reika. He reads the mood very well and is sharp enough to acknowledge Reika’s emotional sacrifices - ML is such a unique and aloof character that’s also dutiful, responsible, super cool, enigmatic, and self-sacrificing to a fault. My god, his acts during childhood to keep the peace of the family and make his brother happy…fuck. Crying. - MC is our resident pity-boy lol we love him. He’s done much for others around him too.
Double Trap
Quite a good read :) Will probs stay memorable no notes needed methinks
Surge Looking For You
DNF’d at Side story 6. It’s technically all cute and fluffy side stories with a 1/100th of the drama we were subjected to in the main story, but I’m tired. I’ve lost patience with this couple. I can’t even be happy reading all the good fluff about them cuz man. I’m tired. —- Ok so it technically had brands of angst I should’ve liked..but reading this sht was painful and frustrating. The over-consideration for each other leading into miscommunications exhausted me to no end, and there were too many moments when they should’ve just. FUCKING. TALKED. SPEAK MOTHERFUCKERS, Y’ALL GOT A FUNCTION BRAIN AND MOUTH!?!!? They kept on losing trust in each other and I’m not about that life man… Uke had his badass and funny moments (more initially) but his chronic condition of “running away at first sign of doubt” in Season 2 pissed me off to no end. Sure seme had his flaws, but seme was literally carrying the relationship with how he expertly chased after the skittish uke, COMMUNICATED (or attempted to anyways), and got his own life together (ok sure uke did many things himself too, but I digress). My fucking god reading this was a headache. Uke’s character development went backwards. So ok, fine, I can let go of the frustrating angst cuz author developed lots of rationale for them. Ngl author was excessively putting them through life’s trials, but…sigh. Fine. It’s fine. But what annoys me is that they just get their career fully in order and all their childhood traumas or chronic hormone condition just vanish into thin air? And they magically became expert parents without any research from their part and they’re now giving the baby full care WHILE training and winning Olympic gold medals? Author took the easy way out and really forced this by making the baby’s nature “easy to work with”. Such lazy fucking writing. What a forced HEA. Literally a princess fairytale, gross. The ending is a nice way to wrap up the story and was drawn really well with all its symbolism. Too bad the excess and dramatic miscommunications pissed me off too much to enjoy it, even if they had good rationale. I almost dropped this story too many times… Oh yeah and smut is boring. Well drawn but boring.
Experience forecast
Woah the chapters were surprisingly long WE GOT ONE HELL OF A TREAT!!!! It was so good SO CUTE ahhhhh I love them so much They’re pretty bad at communicating and there are elements of man-child and weaponized incompetence (and typical yaoi brand anti-socialism) but I think that’s just japan’s patriarchy seeping into the author’s perception of the “norm” lol. Oh well they’re both depicted to be happy with the flaws so whatever Apparently this had a live action and yeah I’m not surprised, it’s really well-made :)
Bakemono no Hanayome
AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA SOOOOOOOO CUTEEEE THE ANGST WAS SO GOOD TOOOOOOO AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA 5******* STARSSSSSSSSSS AAAAAAAAAAAA also has brief beast cuddle scene which WOOHOO This has such a feel-good ending that wrapped up the story too amazingly :’) It does read as too good to be true which hurts my nihilism and idealistic desires for a “magically better life” but ah well. Loved it. Also the art is beautiful !?!?!? The char designs were peak !?!?!?!?!?!?
Knee down and ask love