Kuzu wa Kyuu ni wa Naoranai
Man idk. Got good moments, but MC gets way too carried away with his tunnel-vision thinking. Also…he’s not very empathetic???? He’s quite self-centred, in a socially awkward way, like fearing other ppl so much he psychoanalyses them but only to the extent of protecting his own psyche. Nothing about how to make them happy, even if that “them” is his romantic partner. They do go all “yeah let’s try to meet in the middle, let’s both be patient and do our best.” But that’s about it, not much action is shown for those words. Also, many moments uke is like “why won’t he be honest with me” like dude…it’s cuz you didn’t give him a safe environment to feel comfortable being honest in……….Seme can be badly stubborn too but most of the time he just seems to be communicating normally? And trying to understand the uke? He’s definitely amicable to change if his flaws are pointed out, so why tf is the uke going all “wah wah he did this to me I knew we were never meant to be” like stfu how about some more empathetic thinking and pro activity from your end??? In the end he does make his own steps but man. Uke is lowkey annoying with his nihilism, he’s fr blocking out seme’s efforts in communicating like a human being
Raising a Bat
Guilty pleasure frrrrrfrf4rfrfrfrfrfr Loved it to bits, I def got them angst chapters bookmarked There was a buttload of teen drama and scenarios and miscommunication, so much that the author’s decisions felt a little corny. Oh well, enjoyable nonetheless. In another lens this could read as a fantasy self-insert of an author that was abused by their parents lol. Had some very “and they lived happily ever after” elements. Surrogate family was too good to be true. though idk if it’s cuz I read a lotta guilty pleasure stories but this one felt a tiny bit stereotypical? Like it followed a formula I’ve seen before? Some of the directions the author took felt childish and typical, like “oh yeah let’s just kill off the child abuser parent in an accident, that’ll be his retribution.” Like ehhhh it could’ve taken a better and more novel route imo. Also the paneling near the beginning was a little awkward but the dialogue was on point. Got much better later on, including he art. Translations get a little wonky halfway but they’re still understandable, the message still delivers.
Iki Dekinai no wa Kimi no Sei
To You In The Swamp
Well, that!s as rapey as rape goes :D Blonde seme is such an obvious antagonist he’s almost flat lmao Story’s a little uhhhh cardboard cutout ngl, but I guess it’ll have some enjoyable angst
Don't Be Nice To Me
MC’s family dysfunctions had a little too many parallels with mine lmao yikes the triggers Couple is very cute and the sticky notes for chapter covers were super clever. Storytelling was smooth and the author def knew what she was doing :) great characters and great humour. The art was ok, could’ve been better, but fits right for the story.
Akari to Kare wa Nayamashii
THEY’RE BOTH SUCH CAPABLE COOL HARDWORKING SUAVE CUTE ADORABLE CONSIDERATE EMPATHETIC AMAZING PEOPLE AAAAAAAAA I love how stoic Akari turned into such an expressive mess lmao he had a lot of funny moments Ok fr where can I find a stoic and cool and considerate seme like this ;w; pls ;;w;;
Goodbye to Destiny
This Art pretty af
Define The Relationship
They’re so cordial with their language LOL I guess it’s rich people talk It’s so WHOLESOME that it’s sickly sweet looool The angst of their temporary breakup was painful to read thru tho. It was great writing, it’s just not a guilty-pleasure brand of angst xD This thing was quite the slow burn The artist is so good at art jesussususususususus Also smut and eggsual tension is top-notch!?!?!? Like GODDAMN!?!?!?!!
My In-laws are Obsessed With Me