Jujutsu Kaisen
PERFECT PLOT (constant climaxes, probs cuz the manga was getting axed, rip. But consistent and super fun pacing overall), BEYOND AMAZING CHARACTER DYNAMICS (seriously it’s all so intricate wtf), story focuses on philosophical themes and weaves them in perfectly, it deviates from villain tropes to eventually lead every character into a “yeah they’re actually a decent person” lol, and I’ve realized that takayama a & karasuma are both the biggest hero MCs but are always shown in a diabolical light, so that was hella interesting LOVE IT
Junk the Black Shadow
Monster Petite Panic
Oooooo super creative supernaturals! I love ittttt
Royal Servant
4-4.5; the main couple goes MIA around the middle of the story when it gets plot-heavy lmfao And I feel like the side couples got a lot more woven into the plot and were more fleshed out (though I wasn’t as fond of them compared to the MIA main couple.) I guess I went into it with the wrong expectations? Also, the ending emphasizing death and forgetting memories of your precious and loved was was a hard no from me :/ Legit took my worst fears, dunked it in honey and sugar, then shoved it down my throat...Not what I wanted to read today. Personal pet peeves aside, the plot was pretty solid and the characters were reasonable and decent. Main couple’s initial love development had like, no proper segue or monologues to support the characters’ actions, but eh whatever
Red Candy
Maybe it was cuz of the hiatuses and long waits, but latter part became a tad bit tedious to read (probs just cuz plot got deeper tho lol). Great story overall, the start was definitely solid and I enjoyed the ride!
The adventure of boy with a mind of a middle aged man
A Returner's Magic Should Be Special