The Man At Night밤에-사는-남자-raw/chapter-16/ — latest 21 LATEST: uke has his first client but it all went terrible when the girl said that uke sucks in bed. Uke asks the seme how to do good in bed
Sex and Friend
Seme kisses but ran away. Seme and uke met up when uke couldn’t contact seme anymore. Uke saw a girl beside seme and ask who was that. Seme said it was his girlfriend Few years later, uke changed and is now gay. Uke saw a man crouching out in the streets to find out it was seme who’s an actor
Wolf in The Cage
Piercing Stab
Knowing the dark turn the story is going to take and poor baby Ahjin is going to be suffering to the point he wants to die... It's just heartbreaking, reading the raws had me so fucking mad, seriously fuck the freckled bitch. She was the one that was the spy and shit, I'm still left wondering if after Kang talked to her and she revealed what she did and how she used Ahjin's position close to him to make him seem suspicious instead, like did he do anything to her? Granted what he did with torturing and drugging him was his own doing BUT she set Ahjin up so that pisses me off. Also Ahjin's I guess she's like a grandmother to him? But seeing her stab Kang sad honestly satisfying but I hope she doesn't die. Seme misunderstood uke and uke commuted suicide? Took death and reincarnation?? Yeh, later on there will be a huge misunderstanding which leads to such tragedy. The uke will be mistreated quite terrible Someone from the other gang had made up a scheme and killed some lackeys of the boss gang, everything in a mess and Ajin was suspected as the traitor due to complicated misunderstanding. The boss was sad and angry but didnt want to kill Ajin because he loved him too much so he confined Ajin like a prisoner, he even injected him with drug and treated him badly. As fas as I read the love hate relationship still going on and the misunderstanding hasnt been solved yet.
The Phantom of the Opera오페라의+유령&title=오페라의-유령
Keep Moaning, I'm Watching You