Hana To Usagi
Ookami-kun wa kowakunai
Suzutsuki Neko wa Nyao to Naku?
This was so adorable and Nao and Isuzu are a cute couple
Katakoi Opera
Ok first of all Beni, the twin sister is so beautiful, wow. Ao and Akuta are my type of couple because I'm a sucker for unrequited love AND childhood friends. I was listening to Heather and dam it hit different. Mibu and Minato made my heart hurt
They are a Couple
This story was alright. Read it in one day and ngl it wasn't very boring but I kind of lost interest. It got kind of emotional as well but I think it would have been better without all the side couples going on or only keep Xander with that Italian dude. The plot was pretty slow in my opinion and I kind of wasted my time. Overall it was alright, it still had some cute parts but it was kind of stretched out for too long...
Standby Kiss - Ore no Senzoku Secret xx
All Night Long (muno)
Noboru's friends are so open minded and chill. I like them even though they weren't seen a lot. Yagi is so good looking and isn't dumb. Pretty different from the usual because Noboru was questioning his sexuality and didn't keep thinking "I'm straight except for him"
High School Lala Love
Ok honestly this was so cheesy. Everything seemed so cliche but I really liked it. Ryu is such a good friend and I would have liked to see more of him. Hinata and Aki are so cute together and it ended with them in a relationship.