Mo Dao Zu Shi
I'm such a retard. After reading this manhua for so long only recently I found out that there is live action drama, anime, novel and more. Personally I would recommend to first watch live action drama and then to read this manhua since plot in manhua is extremely compressed. ~The Untamed~ Manhua is bolder on shounen ai side than live action.
Following Namsoo To The Bathhouse
Beautiful smut scenes in not really realistic sets like coffee shop bathroom, park in the middle of the day, bathhouse. Thinking about all those scenes in the water... hmmmmmmm Plot is not extremely special but this work is really easy to read Chapters: 45
Don't Pick Up the Soap
What`s with this urologist? I can assure that in no way possible this exam is pleasant!!! daaaammmnnnn brooo that soap scene Anyway, yaoi, we can`t expect too much from the plot. Visuals are beautiful >< Ongoing Chapters: 15
Unintentional Love Story
Surprised that this is a nice story. I like how realistically beginning of couples romance is portrayed. There are no usual rape, abuse tropes. Love this couple
Ogus's Law