Gintama dj - Mienai Kusari
One of the best depictions on stockholm syndrome. Honestly I really despise this trope but this work really showed how stockholm syndrome works. How it is possible to break human being. When you think about it... And that feeding scene really hit me hard. Rape, sexual torture, dark and twisted. Oneshot
Free! Dj - Can Haruka Have Sex With Rin After Suddenly Turning Into An Odd Little Lifeform?
How to spoil your dog - Gintama dj
'How NOT to spoil your dog' How should I rate this? We all know that omegaverse knotting is taken from dog mating.. Gintokis ass get's done by a dog. Yes dog, not half human half animal but legit dog sooooo what makes me afraid is that we do have people on this planet that do things with dogs like what we seen here.. like dog licking d & the rest... That's what I was thinking while reading this...
Hunter X Hunter Dj - Oblivious
I wanted to see more action between Gon & Hisoka but now that I saw it.. IDK wish that Gon would be AT LEAST legal age.. Not a fan of shota aka pedophilia.
Gintama dj - Where Is Your Switch?
Gintoki x Hijikata Urethral catheterization while being fingered Prostate reset
One of the best dj's. 5th time rereading. Good stuff.
Fate/Zero dj - Fuck/Ero