Sachiiro no one room
this is my first comment so please be kind. i just finished binge reading this and i have a few words to share. first off, fuck you to everyone who still believes that this is a romance manga between a kidnapper and victim, or a predator and a child. there was no indication on any romantic feelings being involved between Mister and Sachi. in fact, what their relationship is transcends romance and family. they were each other’s happiness. that does not mean they were ever in love. also, she willingly went with Mister, so it isn’t kidnapping, as well as stockholm syndrome. do your fucking research. anyway, i love this manga. it’s given me hope for the future. a hope to change for the better and not be stuck in my trauma. i want people to read this manga with an open mind, to view it as many broken individuals finding each other and helping each one heal in their own way.
Neon Genesis Evangelion