Restless Webtoon
Omegaverse O Alpha sofreu bullying na infância, pois os seus colegas de classe achavam que ele era um ômega. Ele troca de colégio, vai para a faculdade, depois arranja um bom emprego e vira uma pessoa bem sucedida. O ômega largou a faculdade depois que o ex bosta largou ele e foi para China, pois não aguentava o preconceito das pessoas. Ele entra na mesma companhia que o Alpha trabalha e lembra que foi ele que sofreu bullying por ser um ômega no lugar dele. No começo o Alpha é malvado com o ômega por ressentimento, mas depois eles se entendem e começam a se atrair um pelo outro. O Alpha milagrosamente não é um cuzão e o relacionamento deles aparentemente é saudável. I dunno man, this is my comfort omegaverse yaoi, i kept coming here reading it again and again, i love the omega he is realistic and strong omega that has his own stance. I love his character and personality like he really resonates with me like i would do the same too if im an omega. Yaknow??? Anddd puppy seme and alpha at it, full score!
Oyasuminasai No Ato Wa
Love Percentage
First, in Ch3, when Eunhoo said Taeyoon didn't even know about the knot, he was referring to when they spent THAT night together. Taeyoon didn't realize he knotted Eunhoo because he was in a RUT. THAT'S WHY HE CAN'T REMEMBER. THAT'S WHY THE POSSIBILITY OF HIM BEING TAE-EUN'S FATHER HASN'T CROSSED HIS MIND. Eunhoo didn't mean that Taeyoon doesn't know about "knotting" itself. Need I remind you that Taeyoon was a college freshman when that happened. He's old enough to understand what knotting is. He might be dense, but he's not that stupid. You also forget his parents pampered him, hence his childish mindset. Second, Tae-eun referring to the uncle and uncle's wife as grandparents. I saw a comment somewhere saying that Eunhoo's mom and the uncle are siblings. Let me remind you again that Eunhoo's parents divorced when he was still in middle school, and he's been living only with his abusive father since then til the day he died. Now, when his parents are separated, it's clear Eunhoo didn't keep in touch with his mom. That explains why he was struggling alone with the debts and whatnot when his father died. THAT'S WHY THE UNCLE WASN'T ABLE TO HELP HIM THEN. Going back to Tae-eun, as I said, Eunhoo's mom is not really in the picture, which explains why Tae-eun calls them his grandma and grandpa. Lastly, not every older man in this story is being called uncle. Lol, Tae-eun refers to Taeyoon as "mister" at the beginning of the story up until he received a toy from him. Taeyoon being acquainted with Eunhoo made Tae-eun start calling him "uncle" too. The other reason why he's called uncle because the Korean term "ajji" which is what Tae-eun calls him in the raws, doesn't have any equivalent word in English. i just want taeyoon to find out that that’s his son, preferably finding out not by being told by eunhoo. i feel like if he was told by eunhoo he’d be nice abt it but i want him to get mad lmao "If you want someone to love only you, get pregnant and leave the father" - sincerely the uke
Amaenbo Honey