Kuroshitsuji dj - Gimmick
Complete | Pink no Koneko | 2000 released
why am i here and why can't i stop- ☠
Kuroshitsuji dj - Fully Fully
Complete | Pink no Koneko | 2000 released
i came here to se hot sebation i did get what i came for U-U
Kuroshitsuji dj - Red Zone
Complete | kuri monaka | 2007 released
Grell is a transwoman, not a male. If the creator of this dj would have done a little more research they would know. Overall it was good
Kuroshitsuji dj - Change!
Complete | kuri monaka | 2008 released
i like the switching between grell and ciel~~~ just cool and cute!!! Just the C&C switch right?~~~ "The Perverted Black Butler" can you just imagine that as a title? That would make me laugh so hard...;D I rly liked the first story, it was cute to see them in each others bodies...their personalities did not fit at all though! xP
Kuroshitsuji dj - Under the Rose