the other dude saying he's gonna carry the kid next time around was honestly the best thing that came out of all this
when I first read this thought I was cute but now, I realize that it really isn't. The uke is a habitual cheater wtf. why is no one talking about that????
He literally had a husband who was willing to have sex with him yet he went to a host club to fuck someone girl. And his excuse was, "well i haven't used my dick in a while" WHAT????!!!!
Wasnt he just tryin to fuck the seme 4 panels ago???
Then later on, he went to get finger-fucked by someone else even though he has a HUSBAND??? And he never let seme do that to him too!!! He didnt even bother telling the seme when he had the chance, he just kept running away.
Regardless of his "reason", that was just borderline infidelity. Plus he even rubbed the "counselors" dick too!!!!!, I would be blind to miss that BIG ASS sign of him cheating. Even though, the seme DID get mad at him, uke practically got away with what he did, he never even ACTAULLY APOLOGIZED to him and the author just moved on like it was nothing. Weird.
I feel bad for the seme, he is so freaking amazing all-round. Too bad he has to deal with a mf cheating husband and a deranged disgusting mother, yet he's the one always apologizing and making excuses for eveyone else.(¬_¬)
Okusama wa Alpha