Boku Wo Suki Ni Natte Kudasai
not about it
Takkun to Stalker Danshi - Kyou wa Takkun no Tissue o Tabemashita
Stalker's Game
not really about it just trying to see ware this is going the bottom is a loner that dose whatever somone asks of him to do well one day he starts getting drinks each day left at his door step by his stoker the top well it starts to get creeper and creeper with his stalker the top will do his londry replace broken items make him meals and then gradgule get closser and closser well the bottom asks his freind for help and the top thretions him and the freind backs off and the bottoms alone again will nothing to stop his stalker well the stalker starts to randomly come in to the bottoms house when the bottoms there and the bottom will come home and the tops randomly chilling on the coutch like he lives there well the top starts pushing sex well at least i think theve done it they dont really show when they do witch is anoying BUTT ya idk will see how this goes
Sensei ni nerawareteimasu