Penthouse XXX
Complete | Bacong | 2018 released
2020-04-29 08:02 marked
Some of the issues were resolved really easily and the ending was mmmmeeeehhhh. I thought there would be more. It seemed a bit rushed but is funny as hell. I wanna rate it 5 stars but it's kinda unsatisfactory so.. B+
Royal Servant
Complete | MasterGin,Chungnyun | 2016 released
2020-04-29 14:00 marked
Hotasfhshdndj uwu. S+
Solo Leveling
Complete | Jang Sung-Lak,Gee So-Lyung | 2000 released
2020-04-30 08:53 marked
Actually so FUCKING AMAZIIIING SSS+++++ Sad that all good things must come to an end, but this was a great journey. I feel like the ending was a bit rushed, but this will remain as one of the greatest manhwa in history.
Bouzu to Kumo
Complete | Haji | 2015 released
The Sound of Fire