A Thousand Cranes
This is so beautiful! I'll rate this 100! the plot is perfect the character development is freak great. The plot isnt too heavy but it has content to it! Damn gonna buy this on tapas.
Kimi wa Natsu no Naka
This is so beautiful that I cant even find the word to describe how mesmerize I am to the whole story. My heart is still aching yet happy on how the story went. I think they have a movie adaptation of this. I'll do my best to watch or get my physical copy. Rating this 100/10 coz its just so perfect
Puchitto Hajiketa
Tasogare Outfocus
i shall recommend this, the content damn, the feelings it was executed well. even the sex scenes all of it are magnificently portrayed. and the story huuhuhu so good!
Futari de Papa Hajimemashita
Sooo goooood huhuhu i love everything bout this
Koi da Ai da wa Sateoite