Two-Faced Princess
The Girl and the Geek
Ahhhhhh, I love this story suuuu much like seriously they've set the bar for true love and marriage soooo high it's not funny yet it's amusing. How the two of them conquered each hurdle the author threw at them is remarkable while at the same time still having the time to have their hot moments and lighthearted drama is remarkable no other story can do it like "The girl and the maniac" yeah I know it's "geek" but he said to say maniac is more respectful orrr was that another endearing term 0-0
Infinitely Yours
The story is quite complex and it's quite sad that we have to imagine the sad ending nevertheless I am glad that the author kind of gave us a slight look at what could be a different approach
Light & Shadow
Wish I could call this cute but the word is too small and discomforting to describe this families I loooove this story how they brought out the strength and weaknesses that we all deal with as humans and how all you need is a push to get through it <.> yeah don't think I didn't catch the moral
Match Made in Heaven by Chance
Vampire-sama ga Akiramenai!
This one is literally so fluffy and cute I can't wait to see the rest!
Sabaku No Harem
Cuuuuuuuuuuuuuuutee XD has the perfect mixture of hot scenes and adorableness the absolute pair!
Thirsty Thirty
So when I first read this, I thought hmmn I'd seriously love to read this when I turn 30 or am coming to that point in life...noow I think it'd be best to just read this whenever I feel down or lost, its extremely encouraging and inspirational, it pulls you in as it digs into your heart overall its the best story no seriously if I could spell supercalifraglisticexpialidocious thats the word I'd use or any other synonym its just sooooo good
I Raised a Black Dragon